Currently, home inspectors are spending approximately 15% to 20% of their income on their own business expenses. Many are skilled home inspectors, but most are not experts on back office processes and marketing. HouseCheck provides inspectors total back office support while creating a marketing machine that will increase the number of inspections for the inspector. This is a tremendous time saver and requires no effort on the part of the inspector to get the lead. The revenue percentage taken by HouseCheck will be far more than offset by the increased income from more inspections.
Additionally, we offer our inspectors services and benefits that far surpass what they can get on their own, including life insurance, access to leading technology platforms, and group rates on health, E&O and general liability insurance. Plus, we offer a strong national brand that will stand behind them and guarantee their work. We have tested our concept on inspectors in Boise; in fact, in presentations to inspectors, we have converted up to 70% in less than 24 hours. This is because inspectors see the benefits of our turn-key business model…and they’re willing to unload the necessities of running a business in favor of doing more inspections.